Sunday, July 1, 2007

Can You People Not Control the Press?

For Chrissakes, do I have to sit down and lecture you like a child being taken to the woodshed? If you can't control idiots like that gal who writes the stupid "Ron Paul eats hot dogs!" excuse for a political column in the Post, then you just don't belong on Team Thompson.

If we let stories like this get out about Jeri, the other side is going to make her the Republican Hillary. The only thing that's gotten in the way of that so far is that Jeri is smoking hot and so much younger than me. But some of that's going to go away now that she's getting more conservative with her look.

If you people can't keep dumbasses like that Post gal under control, you're definitely not going to be able to handle the real press. I hired you idiots so I wouldn't have to think of things like this. And you know what happens when I have to think!

Look, someone get Ann Coulter to say something insane so we can get the spotlight moved, OK? And pour me a whisky while you're at it.


Anonymous said...

You obviously have a lot of unresolved issues, and too much free time on your hand. Not a good combination, to say the least.

Don Jones said...

I need someone from Fred's camp to send me an email. So far I have sent several and you never respond.
I can publish some articles Fred needs.

If that link does not work look on
Don Jones