Sunday, July 15, 2007

Another One Bites the Dust

Honestly, I had forgotten that Gilmore was even in the race, but now he's out. It's about time some of the barnacles start letting go.


Don Jones said...

50% of the Demo's do not want Hillary.

If you want to go back just a little way you can get some poop on Obama, from his diaper.

Firemen are like Cancer to Rudy.

Goody Two Shoes, Romney is so full of ego he is his own largest donor. He won't make the first turn.

Come see me moon the NY Times.

Anonymous said...

I predict Ron Paul will be the next to graciously bow out. He stays only to try to divide the GOP, as Perot did back in the 1990's..say nite nite Rep. Paul

Don Jones said...

You must look at this open letter to Hillary on Buchannan